Brandy is playing Bubble Breaker on the bus.
Brandy thinks her bus driver is crazy!
Brandy is looking at a women reading a magazine about birds. these are the people who ride my bus.
Brandy wants to throw a tantrum because the RNC is so ruining her commute.
Brandy is glad the RNC is about over, so traffic and protesters can resume to normal.
Brandy questions why Minneapolis would decide to shut down two major arteries, resulting in her bus taking an hour to just get out of downtown.
Brandy feels like a sardine stuffed in a can that was left in the trunk of a car on the hottest day of summer. oh wait. it's just the bus ride home.
Brandy finds herself on an overcrowded bus and someone doesn't smell too nice.
Brandy just got sat on on the bus. no joke.
Brandy still has a sore arm. but the beehive 'do on the bus alleviates some of the pain.
Brandy is waiting for the bus.
Brandy has always enjoyed the politicians at the bus stop. at least this one I'm voting for. go dems.
Brandy would like to know just exactly how many people the driver is going to allow squeeze on this bus.
Brandy thinks this guy on the bus is a know-it-all who likes to hear himself talk.
Brandy doesn't understand why people are still boarding this bus when it's packed and there's a nearly empty 250 just behind us?
Brandy is donning all the winter gear for this morning's bus ride.
Brandy knows the bus rides too long when you can read an entire book.
Brandy cannot believe this ... people are carolling on the bus. it's just too early in the morning.
Brandy is once again in amazement at how snowflakes can intimidate even the most skillful motorists, mind you, her bus driver does not fall into this category tonight.
Brandy is stuck on 35w due to a tragic car accident. where are the emergency response vehicles?
Brandy is on her way home ... on a bus that smells like a blend of sweaty gym socks, moldy cheese, a college bar at closing time and a public urinal.
Brandy is watching Oprah on the bus ... it was a long and somber day. we all deserve the best life.
Brandy was just sitting on the bus, when suddenly the lights went out. ooohhh scary.
Brandy is wondering why the fan over her head on the bus insists on blowing cold air.
Brandy is finally on the bus and of course the biggest linebacker-type decides to sit next to her!