Yesterday, D and I celebrated six years of marriage. Every year, we take it very seriously to hunt down a gift that follows the rules for the traditional anniversary gift. I don't know why we went down that path - maybe it's because we crave instilling traditions in our lives, because we don't really have any larger family traditions. Anyhow, we started it out that way with our first anniversary, and we've kept to it each year.
For six years, the traditional gift is candy. Okay, this was a bit of a bummer, because any other year, that would be a great gift. But for me this year, well ... candy is just not a luxury item. So, I tried to think of a creative way to make a bigger gift out of candy. My lovely sister offered to make her babysitting services available that day, so it hit me. D and I rarely get to go to the movies. One of the things D loves the most about the movies is the concession stand. What do they sell at the concession stand? Candy! It was perfect. I was able to keep it a surprise until Saturday and he was completely shocked.
We decided to catch an afternoon movie, mainly because Sunday's are the day for preparing for re-entry into work mode on Mondays and I'm pretty tired by the evening. So, we went out for lunch and then went to see The Blind Side. It was a great movie, and we both laughed and teared up as appropriately as we could. But the most touching moment of the whole date was something my husband said to me on the way home.
"Don't you think it's just great that at the time we are reflecting what we are most thankful for, we celebrate our wedding anniversary?" Okay, D is a spectacular husband on most fronts, but this sentimental expression took me a little off-guard (other than me pointing out that we chose when we got married.) So, yes at this time of year when reflecting what I am most thankful for, it is a great and caring husband and fantastic son, with son number two joining us early next year!