Monday, September 27, 2010


A case of the Mondays is probably pleasant compared to the case of the irritabilities that always infuse through my core in the morning as I entered my office building. It could be that I have been here for ten years and the shiny veneer really has worn off. It could be that personal space apparently disappears once you swipe your badge and walk through the lobby. It could be that the newer generation is just so self-absorbed that they have no clue about common etiquette. It could be a variety of things.

My morning routine is pretty much the same thing every morning. I walk through the elevator bank to stop and get some hot water for tea and cold water for hydration, plus a few plastic utensils to get me through my day of food consumption. Today … there were only the small hot cups. Alas, I was not going to walk back to the coffee station to grab a large cup (because for paying customers, there are always both sizes available.) So I decided to forgo the hot water for my tea this morning. On to get the cold water cup. Here’s where personal space is about a half millimeter. As I am trying to get my cup, there is a six foot behemoth hovering right behind me. So, I quickly grab my cup, top and straw and walk to one of the two ice machines. There is no ice. Well, there’s like one cube.

So, I meticulously try to watch for the other machine to free up as I am praying ice will come down. It doesn’t, and again, someone else hovers right on me. I can feel their breath down my back, I swear. Hence, I just decide to leave (and forget to grab my utensils!!) I make it back to the elevator bank … and it’s like the elevators never come. Apparently, every elevator is in use, or they forgot to turn all the elevators on (probably the latter.) The lobby starts to get crowded and finally two elevators arrive. Right as the doors start to close, a snarky young pup hits the button so the doors open and he hops on. Then three more people hop on. Maybe of the five people who were already on the elevator I was the only one who was annoyed, but seriously, people!!! Your inconsiderateness has now delayed me getting to my desk by another five minutes.

Yeah … I think the veneer has definitely worn off.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reflecting on a Decade

A lot can happen in ten years. A fair share of good and bad, emotionally draining and intellectually stimulating. Next week, I will have officially reached my ten-year anniversary at the Big Company. I've seen a lot change while I've been there. I've sustained a career through multiple reorgs, business unit changes and had a decent upward trajectory. I've met a lot of really great people and built some great friendships. I've learned a whole heck of a lot. I also met my husband ten years ago (because I met him at work ...) That has also been a ride with its ups and downs as any decade long relationship would experience.

Ten years ... I don't know what to say (or should I write type?) My mind is on super-reflective mode lately in many arenas. When I was a young girl of 22 what aspirations did I set and what have I achieved in comparison? I will say that the one thing I hadn't planned on has been the greatest experience of my life ... and they are my two little boys. I could never have guessed how much happiness they bring to me. Granted, they also bring some of the pain and frustration, but in the end it is definitely worth it.

The rest ... I'm still pondering. Still deciding how I am feeling. I'm usually a pretty self-aware person, knowing what I am thinking and what direction I want to take next. (And usually, when I set an internal goal, I've had a strong track record.) There are certain venoms and toxicities that are infiltrating every nook and cranny and I don't know if I know the right "cleaner" to come in and fix the mess. Probably, because that cleaner should be me ... and I'm at a loss for direction and inspiration. I'm hoping the clean crisp air of the fall -- my favorite time of year -- will set me on the right course. As a certain not-so-melodic artist once said ... I'm hoping, my friends, that the answer is blowin' in the wind.

Sorry, don't mean to go all melodramatic ... I think I just need to put on a little Ani DiFranco and chill or some, dare I say it, Lady Gaga and "dance it out."

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Yummy Dialect

Right now I'm reading Tana French's new novel The Faithful Place. No, it's not on my 1001 list, but I want to get through all the new releases in my library queue first. And well ... it's just yummy. Tana's first book really pissed me off. For anyone who knows me, you know I need some closure. And the book was gripping and had lots of twists and a compelling plot ... but one of the biggest mysteries was never solved. It aggravated me to no end. But I enjoyed reading it so much ... that I decided to give her second book a shot. And. I. Loved. It. I'm not a huge mystery thriller reader, but if it's well written, then I am all gung ho.

Her latest book is full of such delicious Irish slang and when you read the dialogue, your mind just starts exploding with the sounds of the characters talking. Seriously, if people wouldn't think I was completely crazy, I'd read the book out-loud on the bus, because I think it would be such fun. There's just something about a book that is fun to read. I had a conversation with my mother-in-law this past weekend that hit it on the head. There are two types of books that I will read. 1)A book that is fabulously written, and just devouring the words is a journey. and 2)A book that has a kick-arse story. (Like, I hate to admit I read the Twilight series, because it is very poorly written ... but the story was addicting and I really wanted to know what would happen to Bella and Edward and Jacob.) Now if you can find a book that happens to combine 1 and 2 ... you've hit the jackpot. And for me, Tana's books have done just that. And in her second book, there was lots of closure.

The other clever thing she's done with her books is tie them together by being about the Dublin Murder Squad. The main character for each book has been different, but the main character has always been an important sub-character from the previous book. So, it's neat. You have someone else's perspective about this character helping color your perceptions and then you read a story told from their perspective and even more mysteries are unlocked. It's inspirational, fun and keeps you on the edge of your seat. What more could I ask for in a hardcover package?

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Labor Day and Fair Fun

This past weekend was obnoxiously busy. There's no other way to explain how crazy busy it was. We went to the fair on Friday and I had a little bit of this and a little bit of that. My favorite was the chocolate, banana, marshmallow sandwich. If there was such a thing as true food of the gods -- this frankly would be it. It melted in your mouth and sung like pure perfection. We all got a lot of sun, a decent amount of grease and my favorite honey candy! I wished we could have walked around and looked at some of the buildings, but when you have ten people together, it's a lot of waiting and more waiting (especially when four of the ten are children!)

We also stopped and saw a new building this year that showcased a friend from high school and an acting gig he has. It's for children, and is called Choo Choo Bob. I hadn't seen him in probably ten years, and we didn't really have time to catch up. (Clearly, actors on children's shows are very popular and he had quite the fan base waiting for him.) So, I briefly got to introduce him to my own group and that was about it. I think he shook hands with D. It would have been nice to have actually had a conversation, but when you're dealing with celebrity, I guess you take what you can.

Of course, our festivities didn't end at the fair, we had to scrunch in as much family time as we could with our PA crew since they were in town only for the weekend. K loves hanging out with his cousins so much. Seriously, I've looked for career opportunities in Harrisburg now just to see if there would be any potential of moving out there so the kids could be close. (Alas, not much in the way of needing Communications experts in Harrisburg for the time being.)

It is officially fall, and I'm so excited. The air is crisp and soon the leaves will turn! I could not be more excited to pull out the sweaters, drink hot cocoa and stuff my face with pumpkin everything!!!