You'd think with practically two weeks off, I'd have had a lot of time to blog ... alas, I have been so busy with O's first birthday, D's 40th birthday, Christmas, talking to recruiters and having fun with the in-laws (my hubby's sister and her family) that I haven't really had a moment to spare when it comes to blogging.
It's been a great holiday season, just the right amount of chaos to make it okay. Today we returned a few duplicate gifts we received and got some new things. I think in only one place, did we not actually spend more than the return. And at that place, I only had two dollars left on the gift card, so I offered it to a woman as we were leaving the store. She looked so surprised. I was like, eh, it's two dollars and I don't shop at this store very often, Happy New Year!
It made me think about the next time I'm at a coffee place drive-thru how I really want to pick up the tab ... as long as it's not a big one ... just a little bit of a nice gesture. This is also the last week before I have to kick it into gear again for my workout regime. Seriously, the last month has been a month off and I am starting to feel flabby again ... must meet my workout master and get into shape!
I am reading two books off the 1001 list right now. I started one, but it was moving to slow, so I began the next one I had from the library ... much better, moves faster and I think it's one I can just read a couple chapters before bed each night and will get through it quickly.
Alright, enough for my quick rambles. I still have the South African Wine adventure to write about, and am just waiting for the pictures, but if they don't come soon. I'll just blog and then update with photos later!
I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. To appreciate the good, we suffer through the bad. How you treat others reflects back on you ten-fold. You control the journey of your destiny, but all destinations are pre-determined. This is a glimpse into my thought process, regardless of how random.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Liquid Delight and Ramblings
Tonight was wine club ... don't worry, I'll blog about that in a few days. I forgot my camera and my good friend H happened to have hers on hand and diligently took photos of everything for me. (THANK YOU!) So, once I get those, I'll be sure to give a recap!
But as I get caught up on all the blogs I enjoy perusing, and as D cleans out some of the shows he has on the DVR queue, I get to sip a light glass of Pinotage and just get ready to embrace a week off of work, spent enjoying my family and prepping for the holidays. Of course, I'm not looking forward to my first appointment for a crown on Monday, but that's the only true downer for the week ahead.
O turns one on Monday. I can't believe how much this past year has really shaped our lives. The triumphs and the turbulence we've faced. But it all brings me back to my little glass of liquid delight. I only have wine about once a month at wine club, and then maybe a few glasses here and there. When it's good, it's really good. And this glass is good.
I am looking forward to what I hope is a pleasant holiday season with lots of good family fun. D's sister and her family will be here for Christmas, and I'm so excited about that. It means K will get to play with his cousins and really have an enjoyable holiday season. Of course, he's at the age where it's really about the presents and D and I are trying to teach him that it's so not about the presents ... but I know that it will take some time for him to understand.
Today we also got the notification about K starting kindergarten next year. I cannot believe my baby will be starting kindergarten. He's going to have other major influencers in his life now ... and peer pressure ... and who else knows what. I just hope that he'll always fee comfortable talking to us and being open and close to us. I think most parents wish that. We try to model open communication now as a family and always have dinner together and established some key traditions. Hope we can continue it now that our first son will be venturing into the real world without us there with him every step.
Whoa ... too deep ... back to the liquid delight.
But as I get caught up on all the blogs I enjoy perusing, and as D cleans out some of the shows he has on the DVR queue, I get to sip a light glass of Pinotage and just get ready to embrace a week off of work, spent enjoying my family and prepping for the holidays. Of course, I'm not looking forward to my first appointment for a crown on Monday, but that's the only true downer for the week ahead.
O turns one on Monday. I can't believe how much this past year has really shaped our lives. The triumphs and the turbulence we've faced. But it all brings me back to my little glass of liquid delight. I only have wine about once a month at wine club, and then maybe a few glasses here and there. When it's good, it's really good. And this glass is good.
I am looking forward to what I hope is a pleasant holiday season with lots of good family fun. D's sister and her family will be here for Christmas, and I'm so excited about that. It means K will get to play with his cousins and really have an enjoyable holiday season. Of course, he's at the age where it's really about the presents and D and I are trying to teach him that it's so not about the presents ... but I know that it will take some time for him to understand.
Today we also got the notification about K starting kindergarten next year. I cannot believe my baby will be starting kindergarten. He's going to have other major influencers in his life now ... and peer pressure ... and who else knows what. I just hope that he'll always fee comfortable talking to us and being open and close to us. I think most parents wish that. We try to model open communication now as a family and always have dinner together and established some key traditions. Hope we can continue it now that our first son will be venturing into the real world without us there with him every step.
Whoa ... too deep ... back to the liquid delight.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Two More To Cross Off
On my journey to read the 1001 books you should read before you die, I am happy to say I have just finished two more. The first was Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. And apparently there is a movie based on the book. It was interesting ... and not probably something I'd have read on my own merit. But it was definitely good and left you with questions and thought-provoking ideas. You don't really understand what makes the characters special until a third of the way into the book ... so I don't want to ruin it. It's told through flash backs and twisting and winding storytelling.
The second one was Saturday by Ian McEwan. Who knew someone could right a whole book about one day in the life of a neurosurgeon. I have to say, there were parts of this very detailed book that I had to skim (sorry, the brain surgery scenes were just too much for me.) But all-in-all, it makes me excited to read the Atonement based on this book. It really thrives on the post-9/11 environment, and so I wonder if I had read it when it first came out if I would have had different feelings. Either way ... good stuff.
Both stories took place in England. Which makes me interested to dive into the rest of the list because I'm wondering if it's a lot more worldly in content. If so, bravo, I cannot wait. I love American authors and books, but I need more exposure to writers from other areas of the world.
The second one was Saturday by Ian McEwan. Who knew someone could right a whole book about one day in the life of a neurosurgeon. I have to say, there were parts of this very detailed book that I had to skim (sorry, the brain surgery scenes were just too much for me.) But all-in-all, it makes me excited to read the Atonement based on this book. It really thrives on the post-9/11 environment, and so I wonder if I had read it when it first came out if I would have had different feelings. Either way ... good stuff.
Both stories took place in England. Which makes me interested to dive into the rest of the list because I'm wondering if it's a lot more worldly in content. If so, bravo, I cannot wait. I love American authors and books, but I need more exposure to writers from other areas of the world.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wine and Good Food from the Land Down Under
For November, my wine club explored the wines of Australia and New Zealand. The hostess had a lovely spread of cuisine that included shrimp and lobster treats (and avocado ... so delish!) It was a delightful evening all around. Next week is our last Wine Club of 2010 (I can't believe we've been doing this for three years!) Next year, we're going to take the club outside of the home and do a different restaurant each month. I can't wait. Of course, we always take January off to recoup from all of the holiday festivities, but I can't wait for next week's venture into South Africa -- and if I'm good, I'll actually blog about that a little sooner after the event (it doesn't make it easier to remember things!)
We moved to a heavier wine for our next course which was a meltable blend of avocado,shrimp and lobster. The Virgin Chardonnay was buttery, with extra depth and definitely a rich finish. It went well with the pairing (butter with seafood - I guess it could be called a no brainer.) I'm not sure it's something I would purchase on again, as there are other countries who can definitely do a Chardonnay better.
The next course brought the wine that most often comes to mind when one thinks of Australia.
The Nine Stones Shiraz was definitely a dry wine with lots of pepper and very jammy. It was a pretty standard Shiraz, or at least pretty standard based on my experience. It went nicely with the pulled pork that was spiced and was a Thai pulled pork recipe (frankly, I could have just eaten the sandwich and spared the wine!)
From there we went to a three cheese course and tried a Sparkling Shiraz. This was even more peppery than the first Shiraz. And it was at the extreme level of effervescent. It was so dry that when you took a sip, it was almost like you were just drinking foam. It was appropriately chilled, so I'm not sure why it was so crazy, but I think we definitely agreed it was the bomb of the evening. The cheese course, well, you really can't go wrong with cheese.
The evening ended with a yummy cheesecake and a very sweet, raisiny Semillion. It was very smooth and probably could have just been dessert on its own. However, if you are not a fan of the very sweet dessert wine, then I would recommend you pass, because this was truly a sweet, sweet wine.
All in all, another successful journey to a new place in the world and another good time with friends, good wine and great food! It's amazing that I've still been able to lose weight and enjoy this club once a month!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Oh, Santa Man
Okay, first of many blogs I owe you. We took our annual trip to Macy's Santaland. It's a tradition we started when K was a baby and have kept it going. They used to change the display and have it reflect a different story, but they decided three years ago to just continue with the same show. (My guess is they no longer wanted to fund it, but realized it makes decent money and there are suckers like us who will come every year because it becomes a tradition ...)
Anyhoo, so this was K's fifth trip and he pretty much knew what to expect. So, I was really excited to see how O would react. (K's first year ... he fell asleep in his stroller as we walked through the display, but we got a fantastic picture of him smiling on Santa's lap (and at 8 months old ... that is not an easy feat.) O was getting a little drowsy walking through the display (it is dark ... and the luxury of a stroller just begs for a nap!) Then, as we rounded the corner before Santa ... K's excitement made sure everyone was awake.
Fortunately, the line moved quickly (D attributes this to the fact that he thinks they had two Santas set up. I wasn't paying attention when we walked in, but the fact that there were two photo stations at the end ... well, he might be right.) K immediately knew what to do and just made himself comfortable on Santa's lap. We braced ourselves as D handed O over to the man with the white beard. I think we both held our breathe. O gave us a look that clearly said, "What in the hell are you people doing?" But then K put on some magical charm and D and I cheered from the sidelines and we got a megawatt smile.
K then continued to chat up the old man for a few minutes. I couldn't hear everything they said, but when Santa asked what his favorite part of Christmas was, my heart melted when he responded that he'd get to see his cousins who were flying in from Pennsylvania.
Of course, when it came time to pick our overpriced picture ... we went with the one with O's first face ... it's just more memorable! And yes, we pay for the overpriced picture, because now we have five fantastic pictures that display the passing of time. (Of course, Santa looks a little different every year, but we're more interested in watching how our little men change over time.) I asked D if he thought the boys would humor us when they are sixteen and twelve and still get their pictures taken. His response ... they'd better (yeah, he's more sentimental than he wants to admit.)
We ended the trip with a stop at Mrs. Clauses' Bakery where D got the world's biggest coconut macaroon, I chose a fantastic giant sugar cookie and K selected a giant rice krispie bar with frosting. Yummy treats for all.
The best part of the day, however, was when we were driving back home. We asked K what he asked Santa for (because we couldn't hear him when it came to that question.) and his response: "You know, Santa's breathe smelled like barbecue." D and I laughed so hard. The kid is a pure genius - and I know he's training his little bro in his ways.
Anyhoo, so this was K's fifth trip and he pretty much knew what to expect. So, I was really excited to see how O would react. (K's first year ... he fell asleep in his stroller as we walked through the display, but we got a fantastic picture of him smiling on Santa's lap (and at 8 months old ... that is not an easy feat.) O was getting a little drowsy walking through the display (it is dark ... and the luxury of a stroller just begs for a nap!) Then, as we rounded the corner before Santa ... K's excitement made sure everyone was awake.
Fortunately, the line moved quickly (D attributes this to the fact that he thinks they had two Santas set up. I wasn't paying attention when we walked in, but the fact that there were two photo stations at the end ... well, he might be right.) K immediately knew what to do and just made himself comfortable on Santa's lap. We braced ourselves as D handed O over to the man with the white beard. I think we both held our breathe. O gave us a look that clearly said, "What in the hell are you people doing?" But then K put on some magical charm and D and I cheered from the sidelines and we got a megawatt smile.
K then continued to chat up the old man for a few minutes. I couldn't hear everything they said, but when Santa asked what his favorite part of Christmas was, my heart melted when he responded that he'd get to see his cousins who were flying in from Pennsylvania.
Of course, when it came time to pick our overpriced picture ... we went with the one with O's first face ... it's just more memorable! And yes, we pay for the overpriced picture, because now we have five fantastic pictures that display the passing of time. (Of course, Santa looks a little different every year, but we're more interested in watching how our little men change over time.) I asked D if he thought the boys would humor us when they are sixteen and twelve and still get their pictures taken. His response ... they'd better (yeah, he's more sentimental than he wants to admit.)
We ended the trip with a stop at Mrs. Clauses' Bakery where D got the world's biggest coconut macaroon, I chose a fantastic giant sugar cookie and K selected a giant rice krispie bar with frosting. Yummy treats for all.
The best part of the day, however, was when we were driving back home. We asked K what he asked Santa for (because we couldn't hear him when it came to that question.) and his response: "You know, Santa's breathe smelled like barbecue." D and I laughed so hard. The kid is a pure genius - and I know he's training his little bro in his ways.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Whirlwind going on
I have a million things to post about ... my last wine club, the two books I just finished reading that I can cross of the major list ... O's first trip to meet Santa. I will definitely try to take time this weekend and create a few fantastic posts!
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