So, my ultimate favorite things are things like snuggles with my boys (which I got extra in today thanks to a "snow day" which required me to work from home; lounging in "lounge clothes"; going out to dinner with my husband; and experiences. But I thought I'd share a few of my more tangible favorites ... 'cuz when you love something, you should share it. (And then brace yourself for repercussions of it no longer being available because of higher than expected demand.)

Blueberry Green tea from
Harney & Sons. First, let's start with the beautiful tin. The packaging alone elevates the tea drinking experience. The tea itself is divine. Yes, divine. It's sweet enough I could almost make myself think I am drinking my dessert. (That is, if I had more self-discipline.) The only severe issue I've run across is that I love it so much, that sometimes I drink two cups before bed ... which thanks to the caffeine in green tea ... creates a somewhat sleepless endeavor. But let's be honest, so worth it.

Experience Life. My replacement for
Whole Living. Yes, I had my own private mourning ceremony when I found out that
Whole Living was folding. It was the second time Martha Stewart Living had termed a magazine I loved. (So, I guess I don't have a lot of sympathy for her in her current legal dealings, even though I still sort of think she's awesome.)
Experience Life fell into my lap with a free issue thanks to a 5K I ran in January. And, in full disclosure, my sis works for the company that produced the pub. But, I gotta say, it's a pretty awesome magazine and the hole left by
Whole Living has been more than filled with this balanced mag. Lots of good stuff. A little spendier, but with their subscription deals, it's pretty comparable. Of course, I'm a magazine fanatic, so my other big go-tos: Mpls./St.Paul, Eating Well and Clean Eating.

Grimm. Returning this week after a short hiatus, this is D and my favorite show to watch together. Okay, the lead actor is nice on the eyes, but the creativity in the story line, the eery ... "maybe this could be reality" vibe makes this compelling TV. And it's a nice break from all the reality schlopp that's out there. Granted we don't watch a lot of reality/competition shows ... oh, but wait we do. So, yeah, it's nice to escape and watch a show that is purely fictional/fantastical. Of course, I love TV, and I probably should have actually said my DVR is one of my favorite things, because it is only because of my DVR that I can actually watch TV. (And thankfully, we have two ... because my backlog easily has both DVRs half full and it takes a weekend night marathon session to even make a dent.

My local library. I love reading ... my goodreads account has more than 1000 books in my "to-read" shelf. I also like how the library system makes it really easy for me to request any books in the system and then I just pick them up. What I love even more ... that my boys love the library. Whenever they know I have to go and pick up books, they ask if they can come along and pick out books. It's so satisfying to see K devour books. (O likes to be read to, so I am taking that as a good sign.) It helps that D and I both read a lot, so I think we've set ourselves up as strong role models in this area.

My running shoes (
Brooks Ghost 5 currently). Even though I still focus primarily on interval running/training, I love the commitment I've made this year with D to run 10 5Ks. Sometimes, I have to give myself a pep talk to get my arse out there to run, but I'm always grateful afterward. I still have a ways to go to get in top shape, but it's liberating to think I can rightfully call myself a runner. (Definition: anyone who thinks they are a runner
is a runner.) I just signed up for a mud obstacle course at the end of the summer with my sister. I don't know why I enjoy running a 5K (because let's be honest, the finish line never appears soon enough) but it makes me proud, and it's fun to run with my husband (even though he's at the finish line ten minutes faster than I am). It's something we can share and encourage our kids to do. In fact, K has gone out on a few runs with me (we do much shorter intervals) and even wrote that "running with my mom" was one of his favorite things to do.
So, that's five things I love. Again, they fall far below my ultimate favorite things which are my family and friends. I'd love to hear about five of your favorite things - so please share!