I'll turn thirty in a month -- which means I've had quite a few friends turn thirty already and a few still on their way to the "milestone" birthday. So, I thought it might be a good time to reflect on what advice I'd give to my younger self if I were able to write her a letter:
Kindness is the essence of finding true peace. This doesn't mean turning into a doormat or becoming a pushover of unscaleable reality, it does mean to stop and think before you allow a laser tongue to release things it can never take back. Be careful of the minds and hearts you trample on, play with like clay or even just momentarily ponder exploring.
Don't take yourself too seriously. This, too, shall pass. Remember these words and you will be able to get through anything - tomorrow is a new day, a clean slate, a fresh start. You always have the opportunity to start over, begin again. This, too, shall pass. Enjoy all that life has to offer you -- the good and the bad.
Everything happens for a reason. Each experience will enrich you in some format - each experience will help you grow. Laugh. Laugh a lot -- don't worry, when you find your life partner you will laugh lots. Embrace things you are scared of, you will find that even those things will enrich your every day.
Be present. The minutes go by so fast, and as you watch your son grow, you will truly comprehend the saying that time flies, minutes are like sand in an hour glass, and every other silly cliche about the passage of time.
Give to the world all that you have to give. Don't ask for anything in return and you shall see all the joy present inside of you and others and you will experience bliss.
Laugh. Laugh a lot.
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