I'm standing here, looking forward and see three different paths I can choose. It's frustrating. I can stay the course and go straight -- settling for frustration, the known, the politics, the safety net of security. I can go left or right, but I don't know where those roads will take me. I can't see clearly down those paths -- it's kind of scary and I'm full of paranoia. I'm tired of people asking me how I feel about this change or that change and what do I want. I'm exhausted from being told here's a new change, make it work. I want counsel, guidance and support and where are those?
Being an adult sometimes is just plan numbing. I look forward to the end of my day and the weekends where I get to relish in family time, enjoy lots of laughter with my son and my husband and remember that they are the reason I choose the course on the road that I do.
Speaking of delectable. Kieran is full of all the excitement in the world a two-year-old could possibly muster. The littlest things get him so energized. Tonight it had rained, and there was a duck couple in our backyard (eating the fresh grass seed I'd just put out ... urg) and they were so cute. It was a beautiful male mallard and a plain (but still striking) female. Kieran just started jumping up and down and yelling, "Duckies! Duckies!" and pointed out the window with a huge grin on his face. Ah, yes, enjoying the delights of a two-year-old.
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