Friday, March 13, 2009


I went to see the doctor today. Basically for the last month, I've just felt a little off. It's hard to articulate, but I knew something wasn't right. My favorite, is every time I would mention it to someone else their first thought was "maybe your pregnant?" Alas, that I can very strong confirm is not the case. (And if there were any doubts, it was confirmed by a medical professional earlier today.)

Instead, the prognosis with my slight elevated blood pressure was that my hormones have gone awry and that I have too much stress in my life. This isn't the first time a doc has told me that. The other time was probably about four years ago. Back then I didn't agree with the doc, and attributed it to his other suggestion that it was too much caffeine. This time, I think the doctor might have something.

Due to the great US economy, I've found myself working 11 - 12 hour days the last month (when the symptoms started) and letting things get to me. I have tried to put forth a new attitude, but realized I am just lying to myself. So today, as I put this in writing, I will need to truly put forth a new attitude or will be putting my health in serious jeopardy. (How's that for pressure.)

So, I'm looking at ways to lower my stress level. Scheduled a massage, considering acupuncture, going to commit to working less so I can come home and cook more dinners (a great stress reliever for me) and spend time doing things just because they are fun. I prescribe this to everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more. Your prescription should work wonders!