Lately, I've been asking myself some religious-based questions. Most recently it's been -- so why did Noah take the mosquitoes and the mice on the ark? I guess I understand the whole equality, every animal gets it chance... but how did he not smack the mosquitoes ... and how did his wife not convince him to banish the mice?
I guess I should be upfront and explain that I just do not do well with vermin or bugs - of any kind. Earlier this spring, I found a dead rabbit in our backyard. It was completely rigamortis, but I couldn't touch it. I yelled at D and explained that he needed to dispose of it. Of course, I had to explain to him that I felt it was one of those special duties that come with the job description of a husband. Then later, I found a dead mouse in our basement, and again had to explain why I was incapable of putting it to rest and that D was ultimately responsible.
Well... this morning (you knew I was going somewhere with this) I was greeted as I entered my garage by one of Mickey's country cousins. The little rodent scurried across my garage. I realize it was more frightened by me and the sudden light that spilled into the garage. I also realize I'm like 1500 times the size of the creature. But in a face off -- the mouse would win.
Of course, D doesn't get this. He thinks I should think that mice are cute, adorable, friendly Disney-like creatures. That's why rodent-control is in his job description as husband and not mine. Because frankly, they will never look like this to me:

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