I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. To appreciate the good, we suffer through the bad. How you treat others reflects back on you ten-fold. You control the journey of your destiny, but all destinations are pre-determined. This is a glimpse into my thought process, regardless of how random.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Repeat After Me

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Exhaustion, Always
He was a real champion this weekend, starting with his flu vaccine on Friday. We opted for the nasal mist, because research states it lasts longer and is more effective. And if anyone knows the history of my sweet son, his first winter was not a good one and he was terribly sick. So, we are always looking for the best options to keep him in health's way. Well... the nasal thing was quick and painless, but one of the side effects is a runny nose -- and boy did he have one for the next two days. It was constantly wiping. It's much better today, but you could always tell when he was getting ready for a blow, because his voice would get all nasal-y.
So, alas, I'm exhausted from a weekend of high-energy toddler, nose-wiping constantly, and of course when I peeked at my calendar for the week ahead ... well, I sort of just want to crawl into my bed. How did my calendar get so out of control? Alas, I'll be able to handle it. That's why I'm a wonder woman/working mother!
Monday, September 15, 2008
When I read stories about child abuse or neglect, I understand how it could go there. I understand the stressful moments that someone might not have the adequate tools for, the support systems needed in place, or just the right avenues that allow them the space they need. I'm luck, I have a lot of great resources, tools, support, and a fantastic partner who allow me to focus on the positives of motherhood, without having to fall into the realms of the dark.
One of the biggest debates surrounding motherhood this day and age is about stay at home moms vs. working moms. It's a debate that can make former friends never speak to each other again. There are lots of books out about the subject (searching on Borders today brought up over 121 different titles on the subject. Some notable highlights include: I Don't Know How She Does It: The Life of Kate Redding, Working Mother by Allison Pearson, How She Really Does It by Wendy Sachs) The one common theme in these books is that they talk about how can women be both professionals and moms.
It's hard. Every day I struggle with the desire to want to just be at home, helping my son grow up to be the best person he can possibly be. But, is it fulfilling to women who feel like they have "so much more to offer" to look down at them if they also choose to work. Many studies have come out that speak to the effects caused by having mommies who work. One that always sticks for me is that the number of "quality" hours between SAHM and WM are about the same. So even if a SAHM spends more time with her child, the quality of that time isn't greater. That's a bit reassuring, but I'm sure doesn't sit well with SAHM.
I believe you must do what's best for you and your family. Sometimes you have to put your family first, but always make sure you don't lose yourself in the big picture, too.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Human Nature

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Parallel Life

Silly Guilty Pleasures - Things That Make The World Seem Delightful
It made me also think to all the other things that make the world seem alright in a time of uncertainty. Here's just a few of those silly, guilty little pleasures:

http://pumpkinpassion.com/ Yes, I love pumpkin everything. It's one of the things that makes this time of year so divine. If I had perhaps giving my blog a simple direction, instead of the random musings that it has ... perhaps I could have taken it this way. This blogger may be my new hero.
Playing outside with my toddler. Really, playing inside, too. His smile melts any ice that may have settled on my heart over the course of my first thirty years.
Staying in bed all day. I don't get to do this one too often. But there are a few days when I have had emotional lows ... and had to call in sick because I couldn't drag myself out of bed ... those days I stayed in bed all day.
Cheesy movies. Sorry, I love those horrible teen/tween girl flicks. There's something about watching a movie that you know is probably attacking a few brain cells that makes it okay.
Protesters ... Protesters ... Protesters
Alas, what I found most surprising were the pictures I'd see of the supposed anarchist protesters. Many organized groups tried to hold peaceful protests, marching and trying to get their messages across. Then, this "anarchist" groups would try to create riots, showing they held no regard for authority. What angered me about these messy protesters was that they hid their faces. The peaceful protesters did no such thing. They didn't care if everyone knew what they stood for - BECAUSE THEY WERE PROUD TO STAND UP FOR THEIR BELIEFS. But it was as though these anarchists were almost ashamed, because they hid their faces with scarves. I know they are motivated by the political protesters of the past -- but guess what kiddos -- they weren't ashamed to show her were they are, because they truly believed in what they were protesting. It wasn't a show to put on so they could go back at the end of the night, get drunk, and laugh at their stories, acting self-righteous.
Perhaps some of the anarchists were hiding their faces for security reasons. Fearing for their lives, jobs, families, if they we're found out ... but alas ... then my recommendation would be to stay home or model the peaceful protesters.