It made me also think to all the other things that make the world seem alright in a time of uncertainty. Here's just a few of those silly, guilty little pleasures: Yes, I love pumpkin everything. It's one of the things that makes this time of year so divine. If I had perhaps giving my blog a simple direction, instead of the random musings that it has ... perhaps I could have taken it this way. This blogger may be my new hero.
Playing outside with my toddler. Really, playing inside, too. His smile melts any ice that may have settled on my heart over the course of my first thirty years.
Staying in bed all day. I don't get to do this one too often. But there are a few days when I have had emotional lows ... and had to call in sick because I couldn't drag myself out of bed ... those days I stayed in bed all day.
Cheesy movies. Sorry, I love those horrible teen/tween girl flicks. There's something about watching a movie that you know is probably attacking a few brain cells that makes it okay.
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