So, I spent my morning helping assemble tables for an organization called The Bridge. Please check it out -- they are helping ensure the future will be a little bit brighter by helping teens who are on the streets. The team also helped sort donations, paint, and move a lot of stuff out of a building they are moving out of. It was a lot of hard labor, but people definitely had to work together -- so our goal of team building was met.

Then we ventured to the Midtown Global Market. If you are in the Minneapolis-area, please, please go and check it out. It's a very affordable marketplace with restaurants, grocers, and shops representing the global variety. I had a very yummy chicken and rice curry dish and a lamb shank -- all for $7.50. It was so much food, I couldn't even eat it all.
Then the groups split into two and we each received a cooking demonstration and a salsa dancing lesson. Yes, we danced with our co-workers! I have to give the instructor much kudos. He really knew who he was dealing with (a bunch of stiff skeptics) and he got everyone out of their shell. I've never seen my co-workers enjoy themselves so much (and we were all wearing matching shirts from our volunteering efforts earlier in the morning (yes, sister dear, those shirts.)
In the end, I think everyone had a good time, helping others, doing something new, and having fun. What it taught me was that we all need to go out and explore, be okay to do something strange and scary in front of people that we have to be held accountable at a future date. I think by letting go of our inhibitions, we'll all be able to work a little better together. (Because, frankly, once you've seen your co-worker sweaty and dancing -- you really can do just about anything!)
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