Today in the United States, we placed our votes for our next president. The lines were long. People's voices were loud as they rooted on their top candidate. It is an election where in some races, the winner is easily projected. In others, it will come down to very close victories. What will the atmosphere be like tomorrow? Depending on the outcome, it will be a new era of hope, for others it may be a day of disbelief.
Lots of things were said during this election in many different races. While some had predicted this might be the "friendliest" election campaign from both parties, it was instead one of passive aggression, name-calling and immaturity. Some of our local races gave a new definition to sleazy politics. A leader in government affairs once pointed out that what makes good politics often is what makes good policy. And when it comes down to it, we must learn to look past the politics and understand the policies that are being presented.
I hope that in future elections, we will get past the politics and just focus on the policies being presented -- at city, state and federal levels. I will admit, I didn't vote down a party line tonight, I did my homework and studied where the candidates stood on policies. My civic duty is to encourage others to do the same. For those who voted today: Thank you.
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