It's commonly known that shortly after Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt divorced, she was quoted as saying Brad lacked a sensitivity chip. It's also commonly known that studies are showing that Emotional Intelligence (aka sensitivity chip) is growing in importance to success. Daniel Pink has a new book out all about the right side of the brain, and EQ has been talked about for decades (if not longer.)
My question is, if these are considered factors for success, why does it seem that people's sensitivity chips tend to wear down, break down or just disappear as they progress in life. Be it progressing in corporate America, just aging in general, or as you meet success. I'm struggling right now because I tend to think that once people hit a certain level in the professional world their sensitivity chips malfunction. This fear is so great that I am hesitant myself to continue to aspire to greater levels of success.
The only thing worse than thinking I've hit my plateau is thinking that I will loose all realms of common sense when it comes to EQ and sensitivity. I'd like to think I could defy these odds ... but I'm truly scared. People who I've previously respected for their ability to rely on common sense and their connection to people and looking at the whole picture from all angles have lost these abilities once they've moved up another rung on the ladder. It becomes a lot of apologies and excuses. They try to get you to see their side, but they never once considered the story from your angle.
I understand that corporate America is really all about making money, getting ahead, and making your stockholders happy ... but you don't have a happy and engaged workforce ... how will you continue your success? I think it's easy right now to say that no one would leave and it's easy to replace you if you do ... but this is how reputations get built. Eventually, someone will begin to question, secrets will get out, your workforce will dwindle and you'll have to start from scratch. Who knows, perhaps you'll get an even better, stronger workforce, but if you're not careful ... your success could die.
If you google engagement and the workforce, you'll find lots of articles that talk about the importance of engagement and how it will create bigger profits for companies in the end. The problem right now is ... engagement counts as a paycheck. People are grateful that they just have jobs. If corporate America doesn't start treating it's employees better, I'm afraid that the rest of the world will truly surpass us and everything great we once stood for will falter.
Hey there Brandy-
I wanted to let you know that I moved locations for my blog, so you can update your blogroll.
You will notice that I added you to my new site. I look forward to seeing your insightful comments over on my page at:
Talk to you soon.
Love, wildness, chaos, joy...
Thanks for your awesome posts.
Brandy: I always enjoy reading your insights...What i've learned over the last 3-4 years while getting divorced and "re-learning" who I am, is that the older I get, the less I truly know. I thought I knew how people would act, and how they would respond to stress, but as I get older I just find that my assumptions are wrong!
As long as you are aware of your "sensitivity chip" you'll be able to hold on to it. Just don't forget!
Greetings again Brandy-
In case you do read your comments, my emotional intelligence told me to award you a BFF award over at my blog:
Check it out. I gave you an award. Also, I mentioned that I have a new address for my blog, so you can update it in your blog roll. Talk to you soon...
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