Having a husband who's job is a stay-at-home-dad has many pros. But one that I was not expecting was that my husband would turn into Mr. Crocker. Earlier this week while he was making dinner at the end, he whipped out a pan of fresh, made-from-scratch, brownies. Now, the fact that he did this on its own is amazing ... but they were absolutely the most delicious brownies I've ever tasted. Better than any other brownie. I would have eaten the whole pan if I had been home alone.
This morning, due to my needing to cater to a screaming three-year-old in the middle of the night, I was plum exhausted and he graciously took O's 6 a.m. feeding. At 9, I stirred awake and realized that K was still sleeping, too. We walked downstairs, and were greeted by a batch of freshly baked muffins - again, completely from scratch. I don't know how he finds the time to do the baking. (Okay, if I chose to use my time between feedings to not surf the Internet, organize the office or take a nap, I could probably bake, too).
Ah ... it's nice being married to someone who likes to bake and cook as a way to relax and feel accomplished. I can't wait to see what else is in store for us. I just hope that I don't gain weight during my leave!
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