Okay, one thing that leave does to me that is very, very dangerous: allows me to discover new television shows. Thanks to the fabulous invention of the DVR, my television watching had become pretty prescribed. I had a standard set of shows that I squeezed into the 90 minutes of evening time I had available. Didn't stray and only discovered new shows if they were highlighted in US Weekly.
Now, that I'm home all day and we're basically home bound with O until April, I have been introduced to many new shows (primarily during the afternoon when both kids are sleeping and in the middle of the night.) I'm addicted to the baby shows on Discovery Health. I don't know why I find it comforting to watch other people deliver babies, but I do. And yes, I have definitely shed a tear or two during some of their stories. But there are a few other delicious finds I have discovered. Now, I'm warning you, these are not necessarily quality shows. They've just sucked me in to some degree. 

Pawn Stars - it's on the History Channel. I don't know how I happened to trip on this show, but it's a reality show that's actually educational! It follows the adventures of a family run pawn shop and the history of the items that people bring in to sell, trade or pawn. Of course, there's some fun family hijinks thrown in for entertainment value, but the neat stuff is when you see the "experts" discuss how authentic certain items are. I also enjoy watching the shop owners negotiate prices with the people. There are definitely some people who give in too easily. My favorite was watching how you discern a real Rolex from a fake one. Episodes are also available on OnDemand. It's a must watch.

Guiliana & Bill - Remember, I said it's not about the quality. This little reality treat is found on the Style network, but repeats are also aired on E. It follows skinny as a twig E! celebrity Guiliana and winner of the first Apprentice Bill in their happy married family. This season follows them as they go on the grueling adventure of trying to have a baby. I honestly am surprised that I have gotten sucked into this show, because I didn't really watch Jessica or Nick and I only half-heartedly have paid attention to the world of Tori and Dean. But there's something about Guilie and Bill that makes me intrigued.
And of course I have all the old faithfuls that warmingly greet me in my DVR menu every day. The new season of Project Runway has begun. It always takes me a few weeks to get invested in the designers. So far, I don't have a favorite, but I am astonished that Ping has made it through two weeks!! Biggest Loser hasn't captivated me this season like it has in the past. (I know it's bad when I keep falling asleep and have to ask D who got kicked off.) Does it really have to be two hours?? Oh, I could go on and on forever. The only TV wish I have is for them to quit airing High School Musical 3 during the wee hours (between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.) on Encore. The movie has been on every day I swear for the last few weeks, and if it weren't for my DVR or OnDemand, I think I'd go crazy by now from having to watch it too many times!
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