Thursday, May 02, 2013

Epic Parenting Fail

This morning as I was settling into my work routine, I received a text message from D. As I read it my heart sank, my throat got dry and my eyes began to burn. "nice job, tooth fairy, you forgot something."

I had forgotten to exchange K's tooth last night! I was truly, truly devastate on a number of counts.
K's losing his teethe left and right at the moment. The dentist warned us about this, she said a lot of his permanent teethe were ready to come through. He'd lost most of the teethe, but two were hanging on. A bottom tooth and one of his big top front teethe. (the top tooth is so loose it is now crooked)

So, I conspired with D to create a dinner full of food that may help encourage these last two hanger-ons to fall out. And low and behold, when K bit into the cob of corn, the bottom tooth fell out. The poor guy was eating so tentatively and once the bottom tooth came out, he immediately stopped in fear of the top tooth joining it's mate. In fact, my very sensitive little guy even shed a tear over the loss of the tooth.

Alas, when I saw D's message I felt like a true failure, because I could only imagine the devastation that he must have felt this morning when he went to find his treasure and it was lost. D said that K made up his own excuse that he moved around too much and she probably couldn't find it. I put out a call to the social masses for ideas on how to rectify this situation. My friends came to my rescue with many suggestions.

Therefore, tonight I crafted a careful message sprinkled with glitter to K from Toothiana. (He loves the Guardian books and so now all magical creatures in our family reflect the versions in William Joyce's books.)
The importance of keeping the magic and innocence of our children is so important, it's amazing how something as simple as a little tooth can cause such a personal crisis.

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