Sunday, November 17, 2013

Running Around for Two Good Reasons

I have been horrifically sick for the last week. As in, my voice sounded like Kathleen Turner after smoking a carton in one day, sick. Each day I forced myself to go to work and be productive. Hoping that playing a mental game of I will not let this get me down would work. After trying every form of medicine ... as a last attempt I tried herbal cold tea. And that is what worked the best. Oh, I am still sick, but I was "okay" enough to do this today:

Running the Unleash the SHE 5K to help fight against ovarian cancer.

My sister C ran the race with me. It was the first one she ran (and she did great, only 4 minutes behind me ... super awesome.) I did okay, not a PR, but considering I could hardly breathe, I am not disappointed in my performance. I just need to really up the ante if I plan to add longer distances in 2014.

It's hard to believe I only have two more races this year. D and I made the executive decision that the boys are going to do the Turkey Run with us. K is not so excited. O will be relaxing on a jogging stroller, so I am sure he will find it very enjoyable.

The afternoon, I ran with K to the U of M's annual Science and Math Family Fun Day. We've attended this event for a few years ... and attendance just continues to grow. This year, I think it really blew their expectations out of the water. K and I didn't get there until noon, and they were already having to break out their back-up activities on some of the more popular events.

K enjoyed it as he usually does, learning about science, but having fun and running into his best friend makes learning easy. Spending my afternoon with my little guy is always a treat and so I consider this a rather perfect day.

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