Thursday, April 03, 2008

Me and Patrick Swayze

Since Monday, I've had this terrible pain in my upper right abdomen. It's come and gone, but always returns and is now starting to have a burning sensation - so I scheduled an appointment with my regular doctor - but then went to urgent care today. The diagnosis -- they don't know! So, I'm still stuck going to the doctor tomorrow. Of course, anyone who knows me knows I tend to think of the worst possible circumstances -- so right now -- and my sister is probably rolling out the ground if she's reading this -- but of course I'm convinced that I'm probably dying of pancreatic cancer or some terrible terrible disease. Of course, IM'ing my mother - she gives me her own medical diagnosis that it's probably scar tissue from when I had my gall bladder removed adhering my organs together! Lordy be, and you wonder where I get it?!

Why oh why - three days before a milestone birthday do I have to come down with some potentially horrific ailment? Well, my dear travelin' friends. I'll keep you updated. If I don't, then you know the worse has come true and I've run off to join Patrick Swayze and his support group.

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