Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Ignorance Is Not Bliss

I know that I live in a conservative, Republican-slanting area of a liberal leaning state. And unfortunately, I tend to have a very different viewpoint than many of  my neighbors who have selected a certain, vocal (perhaps neurotic) U.S. congress member. However, I have never felt the disgust that I felt today. 

For those who may not be following Minnesota politics, this year's election presents Minnesotans with the decision to change one of our state amendments and how marriage is defined. This is a political issue that has been raging across the U.S. And, just like it has been in every other state addressing a similar issue, it is a very hot debate that stirs up lots of passion and emotion. In my own neighborhood, we have conflicting signs sprinkled throughout the neighborhood (and some are across the street from each other.) So yes, on my Saturday morning jog I see this in one breathe:

 And in the next breathe, I see this:
We live in the great U.S. of A - and one of the benefits of living in this country is our First Amendment right and the freedom of speech. We all have the right to have a different opinion, and even if we don't agree with those opinions we should respect the rights of others to voice their own opinion. 

Unfortunately, this was shattered in my own neighborhood today.

The very homes I drive by every day and run past each week ... someone chose to vandalize these homes and attack people for having the courage to share their opinion. It angers me to the highest degree ... In this day and age, people are so ignorant, so disrespectful that they have to lash out with immaturity and crime to get their own opinions across. I am disgusted that the police department is treating these as acts of vandalism and not hate crime ...seriously? These houses were Targeted because they had the orange signs in their yards and the vandalism was graphic and offensive (so much so, they didn't even show it on TV). HOW IS THIS NOT A HATE CRIME. If these were nooses or fire-burning crosses, would we say the same thing? Are we too embarrassed to own up to the fact that hate crime can still happen today because we know it shouldn't???

It's 2012 and I am heartbroken that society has clearly not evolved to the point that we treat all humans equally and with respect -- even when they are different than we are. I can only hope and pray that things evolve and change more quickly ... otherwise I may take my family and move to a remote island. I am truly devastated tonight. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While I live in a super conservative area (Varying signs for republican candidates, I actually don't think I've seen any Obama signs) I haven't noticed any Vote Yes or Vote No signs at all. Maybe its an issue many of these people don't want to think about too much or are afraid to show what they believe?

What happened in Blaine really sickens me, and its completely ridiculous they aren't considering it a hate crime. Thats like saying gang tags have nothing to do with gangs.