Friday, February 21, 2014


This winter has been rough. Yes, I probably say that about every winter. However, it's always the current winter that is the hardest. The kids have had school cancelled due to absurdly low temperatures ... and today, school was cancelled to the dumping of nearly a foot of snow. And since the roads were so horrible, there was actually a no-travel advisory ... so I worked from home. (I consider myself fortunate that I have a job and work for a company that is supportive of working from home and provides me the right tools to do so.)

But really. I've had enough. This last dumping of snow was ridiculous. It was a heavy wet snow, D and I had to tag team to get the driveway done. I gave up toward the end due to freezing fingers. D admitted a neighbor came over with a high-powered snow blower to help him with the end of the driveway. (Yay for nice neighbors.)

O's swimming lesson was cancelled. I've never seen the guy so upset. So, I guess he may be my swimmer. (K likes swimming, but I don't think he'd become distraught if his lesson was cancelled.) Unfortunately for K, both his basketball game last night and his practice tonight were cancelled. He was upset about that, poor guy.

The only good thing about a snow day is that it sort of gives you an excuse to chill ... if you were a different family. Since I was working, D held "school" for the boys, and they had to work on school work and do workbook activities. They did get some good outside time though earlier in the day when it was a little warmer and we now have a 4 foot snowman in the front of our yard.

Now, we're sitting by the fire, watching movies and chilling. Finally ... but, I'd like the snow to melt before my next race (or at least the temperature hold steady above 20 degrees.)

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