Friday, August 24, 2007

People Still Smoke?

Today after work, we had a small little happy hour in honor of me being the in the department five years. (In Sept. I'll have been at the company for seven.) At the table next to us there were three old men smoking cigars. It. Was. The. Most. Disgusting. Thing. I've. Ever. Endured. What makes me angry is the fact that we were at our table first, and they could have had the courtesy to ask if it was okay. They smelled wretched. They had absolutely no consideration. We may have been outside, but they kept blowing their smoke in our direction and we had to smell it. Yes, we could have moved, but why must I endure the nasty habit of others? I don't force my bad habits on to them, do I?

Sorry for any smokers out there reading this, I just detest the habit. First off, your harming yourself by sucking in a number of carcinogens, but your also harming so many others who don't ask for it. Nancy Reagan had it right. Just Say No.

On a positive note, at same event, we had a psuedo celebrity siting. Good ol' politician in the making Al Franken. The table of liberals that we are, we were only slightly giddy. But I have to say, he looks a little different in person than what I thought he would. Thankfully, due to other people calling him over to a table to talk, we could confirm that it was actually Mr. Franken.

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