Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Mirror

I think I have reverse body dysmorphic syndrome, or reverse body image distortion. You know how anorexics look in the mirror and think they look like they are 100 lbs overweight. Well, apparently, I have the exact opposite problem. When I get dressed or look in the mirror, I clearly think I look better than I do. 

Seriously. How I've come to this conclusion is this ... I hate the way I look in photos or on video. Usually my inner monologue goes something like this, "OMG ... I did not think I looked like that?!!! Do I really look that fat?! and I better kick into gear my workout routing" and then I have a small internal cry for a few minutes. 

Is it possible to be under an illusion of how one looks in the reverse until you see photographic proof? This seriously devastates me. I used to look at other people when I was out and about and think that they were not dressed appropriately for their body type. And then, I would be all catty-like and say to myself, "wow, they must not have looked in the mirror, or ... don't they realize those muffin top rolls are not attractive." Now I totally understand that they probably also suffer from RBDS. 

How does one cure this - besides actually losing the 50lbs that I am goaling myself to lose? (And if you think that is an unrealistic amount ... according to my BMI research, it is still very much in the healthy weight range for my height.)  

I know for people with regular body dysmorphic syndrome, it can be almost life-threatening, but with rbds ... well, it can be mentally crippling once you find out the truth. Facing myself in the mirror every day just took on a whole new challenge ... now I know why she took Polaroids of herself in the movie Clueless

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