Friday, March 29, 2013

Snow, Snow, Go Away

I love the cold weather ... because it equates to wearing sweaters and being cozy, sipping hot chocolate, warming up by the fireplace and snuggling up and reading a good book.

But ...

I am ready for winter to go away. Technically, it's been spring for a week. But you really wouldn't guess that based on the external environment. The snows still waist high outside. Yes, there's definitely been some melting (which makes for a great, slushy, messy run.) But ... it's ... still ... here. 

I could go for some warmer weather where I can start to plant in my garden. Sure, I'm not looking forward to the yard work that comes with warmer weather, but I am looking forward to the sunshine ... and just maybe D and I will finally agree on a patio set and we can sit outside on our deck while the boys chase each other around the yard. 

Yes, I just want some more potent Vitamin D. This Minnesota gal needs the sun and warmth after all the months in the cold dark winter. I know I'm not alone. And autumn is still my favorite season, but it's time for everything to thaw. 

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