Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring is Almost Here

It's hard to believe March is almost half-way over. (That may partially be due to the massive mounds of snow I see every time I look out the window.) With two 5Ks down for the year, and the next one in just a couple weeks (not to mention the two others I've already registered for) this year is turning into a busy one.

It's also hard to believe K will be 7 in a few weeks (oh, and I guess that I'll be 35 in a few weeks, too). We're doing our first "not-at-home" birthday for him, since it's his golden birthday and all. The place is reserved and now we just have to get out the invitations. (And then hope there is a good turnout ... we have to pay for a minimum of 10 kids regardless of how many show up.)

And this week is K's spring break. It's been a fun, low-key week. Monday I took the day off and we went and saw Escape from Planet Earth. I can't remember the last time I saw a non-animated movie in the theater ... but I'm okay with that for now. I enjoy watching my boys watch the movie and see them giggle at parts they think are funny. Today we also had a pretty low-key day, just hanging out in the morning, then going to the library and then making the trek to have my sister cut all of our hair. (I said good-bye to at least six inches ... it's been a while since I've had my hair only shoulder-length.)

Tomorrow, not sure what the day will bring, but I'm vowing not to look at work email ... which will be hard, but my boys deserve it.

Well, that's enough for my ramblings. March has definitely come in like a lion ... hoping it goes out like a lamb for sure.

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