Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tummy Time

As I watch O during his mandated daily tummy time, it made me think. Tummy time is a lot like life in general. You need to do it if you want to develop and evolve and become a stronger person with the ability to one day be self-sufficient. It's perhaps the most frustrating part of the day. It's a struggle, trying to force yourself to do things you know you can do, but for some reason, your body is not cooperating. He's a good sport and doesn't get really frustrated until we're a couple minutes into it. So, my assessment is that the guy is giving it a good try. However, it's during the next stage, when he's frustrated and really pushing himself that he actually accomplishes the little goals he needs to. It's then that he lifts his head up and turns it to the other side. I think what it tells me is if things are too easy in life and we aren't a little frustrated ourselves, we might not push it that one extra step that we need to to accomplish our goals.

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