Saturday, September 07, 2013

A Day of Cleaning Up

Today was a humble Saturday. It was spent cleaning up both the vegetable garden (the tomatoes really flourished more than expected.)  And then it was spent saying farewell to my side garden.

Oh, the side garden. A few years go, I was quite aspirational. I wanted to create a native garden that provided a nice cottage asthetic to our yard. Small white picket fence included. I carefully selected native plants and used plans to determine the layout of the garden. I hunted for a specific bush to anchor it.

It was a good plan. Where it failed is in the execution. You see ... I am good with vegetables, but apparently not flowers. The garden basically went the way of the side of the road. Wild, chaotic and just not pretty. Not even the white picket fence could help it.

Therefore, today I pulled up all the plants and next weekend we'll be placing seed over it and turning it back into the lawn. It was therapeutic. And unfortunately a reminder of the many times I have a great plan ... and have a hard time following through. I'm a great starter ... a great ideator. I just need someone else to execute. Or force me to execute. Yes, D was the one who put his foot town and requested I get rid of the garden (or eyesore as he liked to call it.) Good call, D. Good call.

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