Friday, September 13, 2013

My Little Gymnast

We're looking for ways to get O involved in activities and create a social network. Yes, he's only 3, but because K was in daycare before O was born, K learned social norms differently. O is used to spending all his time with D - which is great, but it means he is not used to listening to other adults or interacting with kids other than his overly nice brother. 

We tried soccer, but realized we may have been a bit early on that one. We had to keep reminded ourselves that K was a year older when he first did soccer (and clearly that year makes a huge difference.) So, now we've signed him up for a gymnastics program. 

It's going better than soccer. O is engaged, he's involved and he's excited to show me what he learned. I guess I am just glad he's involved in something that he finds fun. He's my silly little firecracker and he definitely needs something to keep him busy!

Today he showed me how he learned to do donkey kicks. I found this somewhat humorous as it's in one of my CorePower Yoga workouts. And he does them probably better than I do.

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